Current practices are carried on and major developments will continue to be shared.
- The Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, under its Crisis Management Center, has established a team in which each person that is able to speak different languages. The main ambition was to scan the international press, daily reports, and developments in other countries related to coronavirus, measures taken, vaccination and drug studies, attitudes of countries towards the pandemic and changes in those attitudes, political approaches.
- As of March 20, 2020, approximately 6500 news articles of at least 75 countries were examined every day, 2500 news were translated and reported in Turkish to be shared with the public.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to prioritize the works related to protecting public health by increasing hygienic measures during the pandemic. Teams of the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to disinfection and cleaning works in the Ankara Wholesales Market which is the distribution centre of fruits and vegetables of the city and is frequently visited by the residents of Ankara.
- 60 million dollars support package (“Kara Kış Destek Paketi”) was prepared by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for the families receiving social assistance. For the families who don’t use coal, natural gas support will be provided. No one will ever suffer from hunger; also there won’t be any uneducated children in Ankara. Hard times will get over together, sunny days will be reached together.
- The first orders in the “Lezzet Ankara (Flavour Ankara)” portal, which is implemented by Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ, Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, to support the tradesmen who have a difficult time during the pandemic, have started in Çankaya district.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality prioritizing public health continues its disinfection works in the public transportation vehicles without interruption within the scope of fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic in the Capital City.
- Following the decision of face-to-face education, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality restarted to serve hot soup in the university campuses.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has extended the departure time of the bus and metro night services with the new normalization arrangement during the post-pandemic period.
- Upon the reports that construction materials were burned in a building next to the Ankara High Speed Train Station, our Ankara Fire Brigade teams were dispatched to the area and the fire was brought under control in a short time.
- Trucks carrying basic food items, prepared by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and consisting of 4500 boxes, set out to support our citizens affected by the fire in Adana.
- As Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, we have been supporting the fire extinguishing efforts in Antalya and Mersin with our vehicles and colleagues for two days.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, we are rapidly continuing our efforts to renew a 220-kilometer line in 13 districts until the end of 2021 in order to eliminate the asbestos (carcinogenic) pipe problem in Ankara.
- Due to the increasing temperatures in our country and in our city and the excessive use of water in hobby gardens, the water use of our citizens with park and garden subscriptions is limited to 15 cubic meters until 15 August. The irrigation process in our municipality’s parks and gardens will be kept at a minimum.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, Vegetable, Fruit and Fish Wholesale Market is renewed to adapt and improve it to today’s conditions.
- The General Assembly of Ankara City Council, the city council with the largest participation in Turkey, was held within the scope of COVID-19 measures.
- A new support package of 100 million TL has been prepared for our families who received social assistance before the Eid al-Adha. A payment of 500 TL was made to the Başkent Cards of our 185,465 families who received assistance. The same amount will be paid to approximately 25 thousand families who are still printing cards.
- In the High School Entrance Exam preference process, our expert guidance teachers help all our students to make a school choice.
- As a result of the requests from our taxi drivers, our work on “New Model Taxi Stations” continues, which is more sterile and modern.
- Within the scope of the COVID-19 measures, a meeting of Metropolitan Mayors was held, hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality. Projects to be made in our cities were evaluated and ideas were exchanged.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to respond to fires quickly and effectively, new and modern fire stations are being established in 5 districts.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of digital transformation has shown itself once again. For this reason, we provide online software training to young people in Ankara within the scope of digital municipality.
- With the start of the normalization process and the arrival of the summer months, we start our free city tours.
- The Capital of our Republic announces its voice to the world with the ‘Başkent Card’, and the transformation in social responsibility begins. With the Başkent Card, which is valid all over the world and is open to the use of all our citizens, the commission rates that were previously sent to the banks will now be transferred to the families receiving social assistance.
- With the start of the normalization process, our culture and art activities and vocational training continue from where they left off.
As of today, we will support our shopkeepers as we explore the four corners of Ankara with our free district tours.
- The “Lezzet Ankara” project was implemented so that Ankara restaurant-cafe shopkeepers can receive online orders with 0% commission rate.
It will be activated after the businesses enter their menus into the system.
Workplace Registration: https://lezzetankara.com/restorankaydi
Registration Guide: https://lezzetankara.com/nasiluyeolunur
- In the capital, human health is always our priority.
Starting tomorrow, we are organizing sports activities in our 20 parks, accompanied by expert trainers and physical education teachers.
We will continue to walk towards the future with confident and healthy steps in Ankara.
- We fill our capital with Scenes of Happiness.
Weekly happiness programs, which will start with 7 parks and 68 artists in the first week, have started.
In addition, 500 TL cash aid was provided to our musicians who were deprived of their income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Solutions are being implemented for drinking water problems in rural areas of the capital.
In this context, by installing a water tank in Bala, which has been meeting its water needs from wells for more than 40 years, uninterrupted water has been provided to the district.
- With the economic disaster caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the number of families receiving social assistance has reached 203,000.
The exam fees of the people in need who apply to the KPSS (Public Personnel Selection Examination) after receiving social assistance in order to remedy the problems of the Ankara residents will be covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this context, the works of Ankara-Sabancı Boulevard connection road have been completed in order to prevent traffic density and accidents on Eskişehir Road, Sabancı Boulevard and Anadolu Boulevard.
- “The Başkent Card” project was implemented and a 100 million TL (12 million USD) support campaign was launched for 232 thousand 351 families in the blessed Ramadan.
Mayor of Ankara Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ; “You cannot be indifferent to the baby who goes to bed hungry. Municipal management is the human being. We will not leave anyone unattended waiting for a hand to hold.”
- Tagesschau, a German national and international television news service established by the editorial staff of ARD-aktuell and working on behalf of the German public service television network ARD, shared a post about the graffiti representing heroic health care workers. The graffiti artwork designed on the bridge piers located in Bilkent City Hospital region, has been made under the coordination of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality in order to express gratitude to the health workers for their sacrifices during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
You can access the post from the link below;
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of citizens in need and loss of income is increasing. The amount of support for our Ankara One Heart campaign has exceeded 10 million TL (1.250.000USD).
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, in collaboration with graffiti artists, adorned the bridge piers in the Bilkent City Hospital area with graffiti representing heroic health workers, as a sign of gratitude for their sacrifices during the pandemic process.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not want students to stay behind art.
In this context, an award-winning painting contest will be organized by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality on April 23rd.
For application and detailed information; www.iyilikolsun.com
- In line with the new decisions announced today, during the COVID-19 pandemic period, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will continue its support in many areas from transportation to health services, from tradesmen support to education support.
- The electricity bills of the families who receive social assistance, cannot get electricity service because they cannot pay their bills and therefore cannot enter online education will be covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality during the online education.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality increased the income support payments to the Private Public Bus tradesmen who lost their income due to the COVID-19 pandemic to 500 TL for the buses in the center and 150 TL for the buses in the surrounding districts for 3 more months.
- 10 GB internet support for 3 months, provided by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality to approximately 30 thousand students whose families benefit from social assistance, has been extended for 3 more months due to the continuation of distance education.
- The # AnkaraOneHeart campaign, organized by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, received approximately 4 million TL (500.000USD) in a week.
Knowing that both the receiving hand and the giving hand will peacefully rest on the pillow is the greatest reward for us.
Endless thanks to everyone who once again demonstrated the power of goodness.
- The message of the Mayor of Ankara, Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ, on the occasion of the World Health Day;
“The pandemic process has shown us once again the value of our health.
On this meaningful day, I would like to remind you of the necessary precautions to protect our health.
Thanks wholeheartedly to our devoted health workers.
- The photo “Disinfection” taken by photographer F. Dilek Uyar in the Ankara subway won the first place in the “Street Photography” category of the 2021 Sony World Photography Awards.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its support and investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context; In order to support domestic production, stand by the producer and develop animal husbandry in Ankara, buffalo support has been started. In the first stage, 153 pregnant water buffaloes were donated to 51 animal breeders in 3 districts.
- The project of ‘PURPLE Map’ application implemented for the first time within the framework of Mayor of Ankara Mansur YAVAŞ’s “women-friendly“ activities aims to make women safer in all over Turkey. Due to COVID-19 pandemic Ankara Metropolitan Municipality introduced the application, which attracted the attention of local governments throughout the country, to 48 provincial municipalities via video conferencing method.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the necessity of the green space especially in metropolitan cities. In this context, a sapling donation campaign was organized to support future generations with the Capital of Green project implemented by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
For more information and donations; https://yesilinbaskenti.com/
- Curfews imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global warming have led to increased water consumption and water shortages, especially in metropolitan cities. For this reason, at the “Sustainable Water Policies in Cities Summit” organized by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, a session was held with the mayors of 11 metropolitan cities, and the water policy implemented and the preventative measures were discussed.
- 11 Metropolitan Mayors held a meeting with the main headings of “Earthquake, Tourism and Pandemic” in order to work within the framework of common sense and cooperation for cities and the activities that can be done on these issues were discussed.
- “Free studio service for youtubers”, which was suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, started to operate again within the scope of hygiene measures. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality studio will provide free service to YouTubers two days a week, 4 hours a day.
- On the occasion of 14th March Doctor’s Day Mayor of Ankara, Hon. Mansur YAVAŞ, offered his condolences to the brave health workers lost their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic and issued a message to all devoted health workers.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality started to provide free Wi-Fi service in 20 different locations, and it is planned to provide free Wi-Fi service that covers 10 million square meters of area by the end of the year.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic period. In this context, the “New Mamak Urban Transformation and Development Project” has started the tender process for the construction of 4,477 residences and commercial blocks, and it is aimed to eliminate the public loss and the grievances of the citizens due to the non-delivery of the houses for years.
- As the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing again in Ankara, all citizens should protect themselves and their environment by paying attention to mask, distance and hygiene rules.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality met with the representatives of craftsman’s associations and donated 650 TL in order to support paper collectors, marketers and musicians, who are among the professions that lost their income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The university entrance exam fees of the children of the employees who were unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the children of families receiving social assistance were covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
In this context, the examination fees of 6521 students have been deposited into their bank accounts with their allowance.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will not collect occupation fees from the tradesmen in the food / beverage sector that are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic or who continue their activities with limited activities during the epidemic period.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is implementing the 3rd stage tradesmen support package for tradesmen and employees who had to close their businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
In this context, 500 TL cash and 150 TL bread support will be given to the tradesmen and employees who apply to Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments in the period of COVID-19 pandemic to make Ankara the “Capital of Green”.
In this context, a total area of 35.382 m² belonging to Atatürk Forest Farm has been rented by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for 10 years and will be made available to the people of Ankara by making a recreation and park area in accordance with Atatürk’s legacy.
- During the pandemic period, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality started a support program by making prepayments to the tradesmen of the food and beverage sector. With the start of the normalization process, citizens will be able to receive service by showing their receipts from the workplaces of the sector they pay up front.
- A support program has been planned by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for the musicians who lost their income in the pandemic. In this context, videos of the performances of the musicians in the city will be shot and a support program will be started.
- A meeting was held with the representatives of the artisans’ chambers of the city and it was decided to work to minimize the negative effects of the difficult pandemic conditions with common sense and solidarity.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality purchased flowers from flover stores who were having hard times during the COVID-19 pandemic and gave away to altruistic health workers.
- Mayor of Ankara, Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ, has received the COVID-19 vaccine in line with the vaccination schedule applied in our country.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 outbreak. In this context, Ulus district will be restored in accordance with its historical texture.
The buildings in this region, which has a history from the first years of the Republic to the present, will be put into operation after the strengthening and restoration works are completed.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the pandemic period. In this period when the importance of nature is increasing, the construction of Batıkent Recreation Area, which will cover an area of approximately 500,000 square meters, will start soon.
- Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality was covering the school service fees of the children of needy families who attended primary, secondary and high schools; During the coronavirus pandemic, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality provides 10 GB free mobile internet package to the children of families in need so that they do not fall behind from the distance education model.
- YKS2021 exam fees of the children of families receiving social assistance and employees of the sector who are closed in the pandemic will be covered by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- A meeting was hosted by the Ankara City Council, which included the problems experienced and solution suggestions by holding a session with the participation of the food and beverage sector, which was closed due to the pandemic and the affected groups.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality brings together theaters that could not be presented to the audience within the scope of the measures during the pandemic period, on ABB TV.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality released a video containing all the vital details that should be applied in the treatment processes of citizens with COVID-19 disease, from home care to hygiene. You can access the video from the link below.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), distributes hygiene bags to women who cannot leave their homes due to the COVID-19 epidemic and conducts awareness-raising work on combating violence.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality distributes hot food every day to our citizens who cannot leave their homes due to the Pandemic, through BELPA Kitchen, which it established 1 year ago.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the pandemic period.
In this context, approximately 9 thousand chimney covers and rainwater grid were brought to road level in order to increase driving comfort and prevent possible accidents during the days of curfew.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has decided to make a 50% rent discount for the tradesmen serving at the Ankara Intercity Bus Terminal (AŞTİ) in the first 6 months of 2021, and the debts of the previous period were delayed until 2022.
- Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mr. Mansur YAVAŞ; called on citizens to order food from businesses in their own neighborhoods and to support district tradesmen during the pandemic period.
- A list of restaurants and cafes that applied to Ankara Metropolitan Municipality due to the pandemic was prepared.
In this context, citizens were invited to support tradesmen by order.
- The mayors of 11 cities held a meeting and decided to support the solidarity of the tradesmen and citizens who had a hard time due to the pandemic to heal their wounds.
- With the mobilization initiated by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality in order not to have any villages without internet, free internet service was delivered to nearly a thousand villages.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality tenants will not receive a raise in 2021 due to the pandemic. In addition, no rent will be charged for 6 months from the enterprises whose activities are suspended.
- Based on the meeting held on November 29, with the tradesmen of Ankara who lost their income, the service vehicles were rented for 450 TL per day, in coordination with the service workers.
Support packages and shopping cards will be distributed to all families who receive social assistance with the rented vehicles.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to work for public health during the pandemic period.
In this context, new patient transfer and dialysis vehicles added to the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality vehicle fleet will provide faster support to the citizens of the capital in the most difficult moments.
- The basic needs of 11 thousand 385 citizens applying to Ankara Metropolitan Municipality have started to be met as of today, and they will be given cash assistance.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality started to work to be with the theaters that had hard times during the pandemic period.
In this context, by buying and publishing 37 different theater plays, it will both support theaters and prevent citizens from staying away from art.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is on duty to not leave stray animals alone in the curfew.
In this context, municipality employees distributed 28 tons of food to 40 thousand street animals in 245 different points of Ankara.
- During the curfew period, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality arranged the bus and metro departure times according to the new working hours to be applied for the industrial zones.
- The basic needs of citizens who lost their jobs due to the pandemic in different sectors will be met.
- The food service provided to our citizens in quarantine due to the pandemic will continue with the support of our small shopkeepers restaurants in cases where the municipal kitchen cannot reach.
- Bus and metro departures were arranged due to the curfew.
Depending on the ban, a ring service is provided from the districts to the center during the hours when the Metro will not work.
- The request for financial support to women and children staying in the Women’s Guest House was accepted by the council.
Cash aid will be provided for women not less than 300 TL and children 150 TL each month.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality takes the necessary measures after the decisions taken within the scope of COVID-19 measures.
In this context, urgent needs such as pharmacy will be met in line with the demands.
- The breakfast and dinner needs of all Ankara people who are in quarantine at home due to COVID-19 and have difficulties in food supply will be met by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- Working hours of Organized Industrial Zones, Small Industrial Sites and Industrial Establishments were arranged with the decision of the Provincial General Hygiene Board. In order to ensure comfortable transportation, the number of public transportation trips has been increased by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- With the decision of Ankara Governorship, citizens aged 65 and over were restricted from going out to the streets between 10:00 and 16:00 in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. The needs of the citizens affected by the restriction will be met by our municipality in line with their demands.
- On the anniversary of the death of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a commemoration ceremony was held at Atatürk’s eternal resting place in accordance with the COVID-19 pandemic measures.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic period. In this context, 2 bridged intersections will be built in the region in order to solve the traffic problem in Şaşmaz Industrial Site.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality meets the needs of 3 meals a day in line with the needs of the citizens of Izmir affected by the earthquake and to facilitate the healing of the wounds caused by the earthquake in Izmir.
In addition to daily 9 thousand hot meals, water, bread and mask needs of earthquake victims are met by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
At the same time, mobile toilets were placed in the gathering areas of our citizens affected by the earthquake.
In addition, the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality provides food support to the animals affected by the earthquake.
- Due to the earthquake in Izmir, the mobile dining hall belonging to Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, with its 15 personnel, set out to Izmir to meet the daily hot meals, breakfast, treats, soup, water and mask needs of the earthquake victims.
- Due to the earthquake in Izmir, the mobile bakery belonging to the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality bakery factory, which has a daily capacity of 12,000 bread, set out to support the work in Izmir with 5 personnel.
- The opening of Çubuk 1 Dam, the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was held on the 97th anniversary of our Republic within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic measures.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, the children’s day care centers for working mothers between 3-6 years of age will be opened on October 29, 2020.
- The first edition of the “Başkent Bülteni” prepared by our municipality, describing the activities of our municipality and the measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, met with Ankara residents.
- Ankara City Council, which is the biggest stakeholder of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, was awarded the “Participation Impact Award” by the International Association of Facilitators (IAF).
Ankara City Council, was the first organization to receive this award from Turkey.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, the third branch of Başkent Market, which enables citizens to meet organic and affordable products without an intermediary, was opened.
- In order to reduce carbon monoxide emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic period and to reduce the density that may occur in public transportation during the pandemic period, bicycle paths are built by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. The 3-kilometer bicycle path in Anadolu Organized Industrial Zone was completed and put into service.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality teams distributed 5,000 masks and 250 visors to marketers in the markets within the scope of coronavirus measures.
- In Mamak, all 400 1+1 houses built 18 years ago and idle for 18 years, will be renewed and rented at affordable prices to newlyweds and citizens over 65 years of age after the approval of the Municipal Council.
- To combat the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure health stability, hand washing with soap has become a priority now and in the future.
#GlobalHandwashingDay reminds that this simple habit has the power to make a difference in human health.
- With the opening of schools throughout the country, the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will provide fever meter and disinfectant support to all schools in Ankara for students and teachers.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The traffic congestion on the Sincan Organized Industrial Zone – Yenikent road was resolved with the opening of the 4 thousand-meter 4-lane road.
During the COVID-19 pandemic period, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its works on road, asphalt, water and sewerage, urban aesthetics all over Ankara.
- A meeting was held with the district mayors of Ankara regarding the activities and projects planned to be carried out, especially the measures to be taken against the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Efforts are continuing to provide free internet service to families receiving social assistance, and our plan to fix the price of water up to 10 tons of 10 Turkish Liras per month for families receiving social assistance has been sent to our municipal council.
- Within the scope of contracted farming model, the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality have started wheat seed support with purchase guarantee.
5 million 150 thousand kg seeds will be distributed to 7800 farmers. The Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will also purchase the whear produced and will also use as flour in bread factory.
- As Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, we stand by the Ankara-based manufacturers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Municipality opened the second branch of “Başkent Market” in Şafaktepe neighborhood of Mamak district, where we sell the products we buy from our local producers directly to our citizens.
- For our children, who will continue their education online during the COVID-19 pandemic, internet infrastructure work has been started in 928 villages and a pilot application has been carried out in Sincan Polatlar Neighborhood.
In the newly established ABB TV, theater, concerts, interviews and publicity programs are broadcasted within the scope of #EvdeKalAnkara (#StayHomeAnkara) activities.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to comfort our citizens with the application of the social distance rule and the unique beauties of nature, not with exhaust gas.
In this context, we completed the 4.4 kilometer bicycle path at “Başkent University”.
We are scanning the world press! What kind of activities does the world do regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and what kind of problems do they face? We scan the world online media daily. Until today, we have accessed more than 2000 news from hundreds of countries and made it accessible to our citizens.
To follow; https://ankara.bel.tr/haberler/duyuru10/
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to work on stray animals, in which the construction works for the new shelter in Çankaya-Karataş Neighborhood started. The capital will have a new and modern shelter that will host 6 thousand stray animals from the animal hospital to the banned breed section, from the mother-offspring section to the single-hoofed animal section.
- Cooperating with the Ministry of Health and the Ankara Governorship, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality covers the daily expenses of 300 taxi drivers in the filiation team so that the health teams can quickly intervene with the citizens quarantined due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the practice implemented, the first payments were made to taxi drivers.
- Interest in the free transparent panel implementation started. The interest of citizens is increasing day by day.
Following the taxis and minibuses, the transparent panel is now being placed in school services and public buses. At the first phase, it is planned to be applied to 2500 services and to 1450 buses.
The aim of the transparent panel is to divide the driver’s section from the contact with citizens in order to minimize the spread of the virus.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality started to distribute 833 tons of feed seeds to 4219 farmers in 25 districts of Ankara in order to support local agricultural production during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
- Negotiations continue with the internet provider TÜRKSAT, in order to ensure the continuity of the education of our children in Ankara villages without internet access. After the completion of the infrastructure service, the internet fees of the children who receive online education will be covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.
- 869 computers located in 47 Municipality’s Centers and where epidemic measures will be implemented, the children who do not have access to computers and internet will be able to benefit free of charge for continuity of their education.
- With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, additional measures have been taken for public health. Attention labels are affixed to the floors and seats of buses and subway wagons in order to raise awareness in public transport and to ensure social distance.
- During the COVID-19 Pandemic process, we continue to cooperate with our district municipalities to protect our citizens against the negative effects of the epidemic. In this context, health kits consisting of 10,000 masks and 1000 liters of sodium hypochlorite were distributed to Polatlı Municipality.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to distribute hygiene packages to seasonal agricultural workers.
After Kahramankazan, the distribution of masks, disinfectants and bleach to workers in Akyurt and Kalecik districts continues uninterruptedly.
- Within the scope of the awareness works, T-shirts for combating coronavirus were distributed to the citizens of the Capital. Mask, distance, hygiene rules are always reminded.
- “Hayat Eve Sığar – HES Code” Application which is reminding everyone the rules of protection against COVID-19 and awareness, has started to be implemented in Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Service Building within the scope of Ankara Governorship’s Circular. Citizens without the HES code cannot enter the service building. Citizens are requested not to visit unless required, and they are allowed to enter with the HES code.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to serve during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our tenders are carried out by paying attention to hygiene conditions.
- The Municipality officers continue to carry out hygiene and social distance inspections in shopping malls. In addition, disinfectant distribution to the shelters and spraying of the shopping malls were carried out.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Official Social Media Accounts in English started broadcasting.
To follow;
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ankarabbld_en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ankarabbld_en
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality rushes to the aid of stray animals throughout the capital. The Municipality expanded its vehicle fleet by purchasing new animal transport vehicles in order to be able to respond faster to stray animals with bleeding, wounds, fractures or various diseases within the scope of emergency aid service.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic period, the Municipality implemented the “Bicycle Path” project in order to prevent social distance rule more easily and to make the current level of carbon monoxide in Ankara more livable, and in the first stage, the 1 kilometer track of the 54-kilometer bike path project was opened for the use of bicycle lovers.
28.06.2020, Sunday
- Due to the exams held over the weekend, free water and masks were distributed to the students, staff and parents by the municipal teams.
26.06.2020, Friday
- To protect public health, cleaning and disinfection work was carried out in 65 mosques in the capital.
21.06.2020, Sunday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality’s teams distributed hygienic packages to taxi drivers in AŞTİ.
19.06.2020, Friday
- With the re-opening of courthouses, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality teams distributed free masks to lawyers, court personnel and citizens.
18.06.2020, Thursday
- On exam days such as, higher education institution (YKS) and transition to high school (LYS) examinations, students were granted free access to public transport.
- 250 thousand masks will be distributed free of charge to all students at bus stops and rail systems stations who are taking the exams.
17.06.2020, Wednesday
- The Sincan Zoo, which was closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak, has been reopened to visitors.
12.06.2020, Friday
- Students will be able to get deductible student subscription application from metro and ANKARAY stations as of today.
11.06.2020, Thursday
- The free use of public transport for citizens aged 65 and over, which has been temporarily suspended due to the epidemic, has resumed between 10.00 and 20.00.
07.06.2020, Sunday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality teams prepared a new book called “Interior, Balcony and Terrace Landscape”.
06.06.2020, Saturday
- Upon the instructions of Mr. Mansur Yavaş and the decision of the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Council, fuel support payments continue for 2,800 minibuses.
- “Purple Button” feature has been added to Başkent Mobile application in order to be against women violence and harassment.
05.06.2020, Friday
- To protect public health, cleaning and disinfection work was carried out in 65 mosques in the capital.
04.06.2020, Thursday
- Pre-registration applications for the distribution of “Vetch Seed” for farmers of Ankara have started.
03.06.2020, Wednesday
- The teams of the Metropolitan Municipality, which cooperated with volunteers, fed stray animals with 461 tons of food in the last 3 months.
- According to the Ankara Governor’s decision, the rule of 30 percent for standing passengers on buses and 50 percent for rail systems was introduced.
02.06.2020, Tuesday
- The Mayor Mansur Yavaş, shared information on how to manage the COVID-19 process successfully starting from Ankara to whole Turkey at the CAC Global Summit.
01.06.2020, Monday
- While the travel restriction is lifted, cleaning and disinfection works are carried out in AŞTİ, free mask and disinfectant distribution continued.
31.05.2020, Sunday
- The free transportation service for healthcare workers has been extended for 3 months.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is actualizing the “Mobile Women Health Project” for women from the capital.
29.05.2020, Friday
- Municipal officials continued to distribute masks and hand disinfectants in Hacı Bayram Veli Mosque.
- Disinfection and disinfestation services will be provided for the shops which are opened on June 1.
28.05.2020, Thursday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality carried out cleaning and disinfection works in 65 mosques.
27.05.2020, Wednesday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will organize trial exam about university entrance exam (YKS) and high school entrance exam (LYS) for students who prepare their exams at home during the pandemic period.
25.05.2020, Monday
- 10 female EGO bus drivers who are entitled to serve the exam results have come to the end of the training process.
- Due to Eid Al-Fitr, the number of meals delivered today is 19,364.
24.05.2020, Sunday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has prepared a special edition newspaper in Başkent Mobile application to remind the old and traditional feast days.
- Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus epidemic, the Municipality police teams distributed free masks, cologne and candy for the citizens over the age of 65.
- The Metropolitan Municipality, which continues its routine service work without interruption as well, has laid 7,870 tons of asphalt paving in OSTİM.
22.05.2020, Friday
- Municipality employees contributed to the “#AnkaraTekYurek” (#AnkaraFullUnity) campaign by donating 1,818,653 Turkish Liras.
- In order to increase biodiversity, with the cooperation of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 14 thousand carp were released in 5 lakes.
21.05.2020, Thursday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 500.000 in total, whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 20.474.
- All of the 72 thousand 604 families and 147 thousand 322 water usage invoices who received social support or could not pay the water bill due to the epidemic were paid.
20.05.2020, Wednesday
- Water credits were uploaded to 72,604 households receiving social support and 147,322 water debts were closed.
- Metropolitan Municipality started to plant vegetables on 250 decares and potatoes on 500 decare of land in order to help the citizens who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic or who receive social help.
19.05.2020, Tuesday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 473.264, whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 19.364.
17.05.2020, Sunday
- Due to May 19th the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, a joyful celebration will be held between 12.00 and 17.00 hours. 10 busses will go through 7 Central Districts of Ankara, performing different activities.
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 434.495, whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 19.415.
- Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus epidemic, the Municipality police teams distributed free masks to the citizens over the age of 65.
16.05.2020, Saturday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality distributed wheelchairs to 100 disabled citizens for the occasion of Disability Week.
15.05.2020, Friday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 395.249 in total, whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 20.251.
- With the “AnkaraTekYurek” (#AnkaraFullUnity) campaign, provided 10 Million TL financial support in just 48 hours.
14.05.2020, Thursday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has prepared a “Practical Gardening Guide” for citizens who cannot leave their homes due to the coronavirus epidemic.
- With the” AnkaraTekYürek” campaign, within 24 hours over 2.5 million TL worth of unpaid utility bills were covered, over 3 million TL were donated for those financially burdened in Ankara.
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 374.998 in total. Whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 20.905.
13.05.2020, Wednesday
- In order to support domestic producers and domestic production in Ankara, the farmers will be supported with 5 million tomato and pepper seedlings until May 20.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality announced a new campaign.
- By visiting https://www.ankaratekyurek.com/ and becoming a donator you will be able help to pay a water bill, upload credit to the Ankaracards for domestic travelling and/or give financial aid to people who have lost their jobs.
12.05.2020, Tuesday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Urban Aesthetic teams, continue their disinfection activities.
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 333.738 people in total, whereas the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 19.930.
11.05.2020, Monday
- Barbers, hairdresser and beauty salons re-opened as of today with the allowance of the governmental measures. In which the Municipality disinfectant teams visited each and every one of the shops for disinfection and to give out a hygiene set.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality ASKI E-sports FIFA #StayHome Zula Tournament will be launched.
10.05.2020, Sunday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 293.889 people in total, where as the number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 19.879.
09.05.2020, Saturday
- Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus epidemic, the Municipality police teams distributed free masks and food packets to Sincan minibus drivers.
- The first gluten-free shop, prepared for Celiac’s was opened in Kızılay, Mithatpaşa.
08.05.2020, Friday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Extraordinary Assembly session was held.
- As Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, it was decided to provide monthly fuel aid to a total of 3,233 vehicles, including public buses, private public transportation vehicles and minibuses.
- According to the unanimous verdict in the Municipal Council, on exam days higher education institution examination (YKS) and transition to high school (LYS), parents, students and examiners were granted free access to public transport.
07.05.2020, Thursday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 235.585 in total. The number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 18.964.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues to support the minibus drivers for the month of Ramadan.
06.05.2020, Wednesday
- The Mayor Mansur Yavaş, with the decision of the relevant ministry has re-opened the cemeteries for visit that were closed under epidemic measures.
05.05.2020, Tuesday
- The total number of iftar (fast-breaking meal) and sahur (meal before dawn during Ramadan) that was delivered, through the iftarver campaign, reached the number 197,689 people in total. The number of iftar and sahur meals delivered only today is 18.348.
04.05.2020, Monday
- The Municipality’s 74 tenders were broadcasted live on our Youtube and social media accounts during March and April.
- The government announced that hairdressers will be re-opened as of May 11. Due to the re-openings, the Municipality announced that the shops will be disinfected and hygiene sets will be given as a gift.
- Mask production has been doubled by the Municipality. 100-150 thousand masks will be distributed to citizens free of charge.
- It has been announced by the government that citizens over 65 years of age will be allowed to go outside for 4 hours on Sunday. Thus, their need for masks and disinfectants during these hours will be met by the Municipality. In addition, the Mayor stated that after the days of the epidemic, this age group will hosted in the Holiday Facilities of the Municipality.
03.05.2020, Sunday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has announced that lavender seedlings will be distributed to farmers in order to help the lack of production period.
02.05.2020, Saturday
- A “Psychological Support Line” has been established to support citizens. Despite the fact that it was started for Ankara citizens, the intense interest of citizens from other cities and abroad has opened a gate to serve each individual.
- During the 3-day curfew restriction, infrastructure works, channel cleaning, maintenance-repair, drinking water and sewerage line construction works were carried out in 25 districts and 76 points all over Ankara.
01.05.2020, Friday
- Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus epidemic, the municipality police teams distributed free masks at bus stops and market areas.
30.04.2020, Thursday
- During the 3-day curfew between May 1 and May 3, all services of the Municipality will be carried on and bread productions will continue at full capacity. In addition all call center lines serve needs. (Başkent 153 lines).
- A Municipality Supermarket (named as Başkent Market), was opened in the Etimesgut district as of today. The products produced by cooperatives, unions are brought together within this market to help producers.
29.04.2020, Wednesday
- The Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has been following news from 75 countries in 8 different languages and translating them to Turkish. The reports are shared through our twitter account and website.
28.04.2020, Tuesday
- In order to support domestic producers and domestic production in Ankara, the farmers will be supported with 5 million tomato and pepper seedlings in May.
27.04.2020, Monday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has reached its goal within the scope of the city’s distribution capacity (15-16 thousand per day) for the iftar (fast-breaking meal) campaign, reaching 500 thousand packages. The campaign was successfully completed and new campaigns for people in need will continue.
- The work to protect public health in the Ulus wholesale market continues. In the Ulus wholesale market, which is one of the commonly used areas of the capital city, the distribution of masks, gloves and disinfectants are held regularly.
25.04.2020, Saturday
- With the website www.iftarver.com, a great attention has been dragged to the citizens in need. The charitable citizens from all over Turkey have gathered 298,457 iftar (due to the Ramadan period, fast-breaking meal) menus as of today. The number of iftar menus delivered was announced as 25,595.
24.04.2020, Friday
- Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mansur Yavaş also celebrated the beginning of Muslims’ holy fasting month of Ramadan, which starts this evening in Turkey.
- com was visited by 10 million people on the first day of Ramadan. A total of 101,847 iftar menus (fast-breaking meal) were purchased by 15,891 benefactors.
23.04.2020, Thursday
- The Municipality organized a visit to the children who were treated at the Ankara City Hospital by the artists of the Capital City Theater. The little ones were given the opportunity to experience the National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 23rd of April, with joy.
- com was organized to help citizens over 65, chronic patients, disabled people and families with low income who cannot cook at home and who should not leave their homes.
22.04.2020, Wednesday
- A revision has been made to the hours of the program of National Sovereignty and Children’s Day by the Governorship of Ankara. The joyful celebration will be held between 14.30 and 17.00, and the busses will go through 7 Central Districts of Ankara, accompanied with marches and songs, sang from windows.
- Finally, the National Anthem will be accompanied by the nation at 21.00 from the windows and balconies.
21.04.2020, Tuesday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will bring psycho-social support to the children of disadvantaged families houses, due to the coronavirus outbreak. With the online education system, children between the ages of 4-6 will both be able to improve their hand skills and have fun at home.
20.04.2020, Monday
- A joyful celebration will be prepared for our children and all citizens who cannot leave their homes on National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, April 23rd. Between 08.00 and 23.00, celebration tours will take place in all districts of Ankara, accompanied with marches and songs accompanied from windows and balconies.
- Our National Anthem will be accompanied by our citizens at 21.00 from the balconies. After the National Anthem, the tour buses will continue the city tour with torches and cartoon characters again accompanied by our citizens from windows and balconies.
19.04.2020, Sunday
- Authoring workshop program will be launched on Ankara Metropolitan Municipality WEB TV screens. The first lesson of the workshop will be broadcasted live on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 17.00, starting from Tuesday 21st April.
17.04.2020, Friday
- Within the framework of E-sports “#STAYHOME” events, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality ASKI E-sports FIFA PRO CLUBS TOURNAMENT, which will start this week, will be launched.
16.04.2020, Thursday
11 Metropolitan Mayors shared their solutions and suggestions with the public regarding the outbreak;
- It was suggested to start the testing process at home and to implement curfew or full isolation, which is the opinion of many scientists, without wasting more time.
- It is stated that the income support by treasury is vital for public transportation in April, May and June. It is also stated that excise duty should not be taken from the fuel used in public transportation until it returns to routine transportation activities.
- The distribution of masks by municipalities will both speed up and facilitate public access to the service.
- The last suggestion was reminded that municipalities are one of the most effective and correct addresses in reaching out to needy people in Ramadan.
15.04.2020, Wednesday
- Warning messages were shared that the needs should be supplied early before curfew at the weekend initiated by the central government to prevent crowd. Besides, messages were conveyed that the Metropolitan Municipality would be with the citizen by all means.
14.04.2020, Tuesday
- Within the scope of combating against the coronavirus epidemic, city police teams continue to inspect to workplaces about issues of face masks, social distance and hygiene rules and apply legal action that does not comply with the rules and make production under the counter in the markets and pharmacies.
- With the warming of the weather in the capital, rehabilitation works against vectors and insects have started to protect public health in the stream beds.
- To support the carrying agents who are deprived of their income due to the coronavirus epidemic and to alleviate the workload of the Municipality, distribution service of food parcels to the needy was started to receive from these carrying agents.
- Due to April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day and the 100th anniversary of the opening of Turkish Grand National Assembly, a painting contest has been started describing the meaning and importance of the day. The deadline for application is April 20th.
- Due to the infectiousness of the epidemic farmers work stopped and the need to contribute to the country’s economy, 400 tons of chickpea seeds were distributed to 1.015 farmers within the scope of contract production. Products that will be harvested from the farmers are going to be distributed to families in need of social assistance by the Metropolitan Municipality.
- A call for help from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations for COVID-19 was responded on behalf of the residents of Ankara and the citizens were asked to participate in this call with the title “Goodness is more contagious than the disease”. In the content of the message, wishes were shared for the transmission of the good, not the disease.
13.04.2020, Monday
- Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus, new expedition hours have been scheduled by working at full capacity in bus and rail systems.
- It is made compulsory to wear masks and replace disinfectant in public transportation vehicles.
- Metropolitan Municipality bought 4.000 crates of grocery goods from tradesmen who were applied for stock remaining on their hand due to two days curfew.
12.04.2020, Sunday
- The goods of stallholders who suffered from curfew was purchased by the Metropolitan Municipality to be distributed for needy people.
- Goods bought from stallholders started to be kept in Municipality’s cold storage.
- These goods have been cooked in Municipality’s kitchens and started to be distributed to people in need free of charge.
11.04.2020, Saturday
- Ankara Halk Ekmek (Municipality’s Bread Factory) meets the vital needs of the citizens in all conditions without any interruption after the declaration of a curfew within the scope of COVID-19 epidemic measures.
- Factory carried out services with 7 sales stores and 418 bread sales buffets.
- It is stated that the buffets which are closed on Sundays, will continue to operate at full capacity.
- EGO (General Directorate of Public Transportation) has decided to continue providing services to healthcare workers and other citizens who are exempted from curfews at 07:00 – 09:00 and 16:30 – 19:30 on Saturdays and Sundays when the curfew is declared. Undergrounds (ANKARAY and Metro) will be closed.
- Aid package continued to be distributed to needy citizens due to the curfew and epidemic.
- The Crisis Management Center has continued to work and receive applications despite the curfew.
- With the awareness of the victimization of stallholders due to the curfew, the products that were left in their hands were bought to be used in Municipal refectory and distributed to those in need.
10.04.2020, Friday
- After the declaration of the curfew, The Ankara Metropolitan Municipality put its preplanned activities into action immediately in order not to leave Ankara citizens in a difficult situation.
- For the panic in the streets of Ankara, calls were made from our social media to meet all needs of people, including bread.
- Cooperation for the distribution of food packages for a fee was provided with those who made their living by transportation.
- ASKİ (Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration) stated that drinking water and wastewater treatment plants will operate at full capacity during the curfew.
09.04.2020, Thursday
- During the epidemic, services on mask making were started to be obtained from tailors who were deprived of their jobs and income.
- ASKİ (Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration) has signed a protocol regarding the Master Plan that will plan future water management. In this context, a plan has been started to improve drinking, waste and rainwater systems.
08.04.2020, Wednesday
- Support for the victims of private – public transportation due to the coronavirus outbreak was announced from the social media accounts.
- With the virtual exhibition published on the website of the Metropolitan Municipality, an exhibition show was provided to art lovers without going out on the streets.
- While the practice of temporarily closing the cable car line since the cabins are not suitable for protecting the social distance, in the number of passengers decreased 10.8 % on 1 – 8 April 2020 as the result of the announcements of the Metropolitan Municipality.
- It is ensured that the administrative buildings in buses and regions, 57 stations, 3 warehouse areas and trains in the active service are regularly disinfected after each time, as well as free mask distribution, is continued for citizens using public transportation vehicles.
• Application status given in the table below;
Solidarity and Aid Campaign | Number of Applications |
Food package request | 208.705 |
Cash request due to job loss | 72.2018 |
Volunteers for any help requested | 6.694 |
07.04.2020, Tuesday
- In order to protect the social distance of passengers, precautions are taken in public transportation with “Keep Your Distance for Health, Leave the Seat Empty” stickers.
- Social media warnings have been made to stay home by informing the weather forecast humidity rates. This information has been shared due to the activation percentages of the virus along with humidity.
05.04.2020, Sunday
- Warnings have started in order not to throw used masks and gloves on the streets.
- We started providing food package support for charladies who are in a difficult economic situation due to the outbreak of corona.
04.04.2020, Saturday
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has initiated an act to philanthropists who want to donate to close all debts in the grocery stores, markets and butchers’ charge account books.
- In order to protect the health of the drivers, a transparent protective coating has been placed in the driver’s cabin, creating a high-level protection environment for the outbreak in the 1470 EGO buses.
- With the decision not to take unmasked passengers on public transportation vehicles, free mask distribution was started by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality teams in EGO buses, metro and ANKARAY. In this context, municipality police teams also increased the frequency of inspections.
- Due to the governmental measures taken, mask usage became a rule in markets and bazaars. Intensive inspections by the municipality police officers are kept on. Accordingly, the distribution of free masks to citizens and tradesmen continued.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has started active disinfection in Ankara streets with its own prototype modern disinfection car.
03.04.2020, Friday
- As a precaution unmasked passengers in public transport was forbidden thus, as of 04.04.2020 the distribution of free masks will start.
- We continued food package support in order to assist taxi and minibus drivers who have been in a difficult situation since the outbreak of corona.
- Metropolitan Municipality teams started delivering two meals a day to citizens in need in Ankara Castle and its vicinity.
- We also provided food package support in order to help musicians and tailors who were in a difficult situation.
- Based on the decision taken by the Presidency within the scope of the coronavirus epidemic measures, public transportation passenger cards have been temporarily closed for those under 20 years of age.
- Announcements were made to keep citizens at home on 21 traffic information screens.
- Various information and warnings were shared on 1200 EGO bus passenger information screens, 648 metro – train passenger information screens and city screens in 25 districts.
02.04.2020, Thursday
- Within the scope of our Campaign works, from the money gathered, 500 TL was paid to 570 tradesmen who are facing economic difficulties.
- From the start of online education, beneficents’ were asked to provide a new or second-hand laptop to children in need.
- Food was distributed to stray animals in the parks.
- Hot food is continued to get prepared in hygienic conditions in BELPA kitchen for the people in need.
01.04.2020, Wednesday
- Within the scope of the COVID-19 outbreak, a Psychological Support Line was established to provide consultancy and support services to citizens.
• Application status given in the table below;
Solidarity and Aid Campaign | Number of Applications |
Food package request | 124.508 |
Cash request due to job loss | 22.849 |
Volunteers for any help requested | 3.118 |
31.03.2020, Tuesday
- Within the scope of our solidarity and aid campaign, 500 TL financial support and food support were provided to 775 pastry (simit) sellers and tradesmen, 150 of whom were disabled.
- Soldiers, who were discharged by completing their national duties in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, were transported to AŞTİ (bus terminal) by the EGO General Directorate buses.
- The evacuation of 240 citizens to other dormitories was carried out by 10 articulated EGO Directorates’ buses.
• Application status at 13:40 is given in the table below;
Solidarity and Aid Campaign | Number of Applications |
Food package request | 81.268 |
Cash request due to job loss | 14.662 |
• Application status at 16:40 is given in the table below;
Solidarity and Aid Campaign | Number of Applications |
Food package request | 94.533 |
Cash request due to job loss | 15.841 |
30.03.2020, Monday
- With the Economic Support Package campaign activities were accelerated. In this context, it is aimed to deliver the collected aid to those in need in two ways.
- Food Package
- Emergency Cash Support
- Within the scope of the economic struggle against coronavirus, it was decided to postpone all tenders until the life returned to normal, except for the ones required for parks – gardens and civil works, in order to allocate more resources against the epidemic.
- Due to transparency and democratic governance, the amount of cash donations and places spent will be announced day by day.
29.03.2020, Sunday
- A solidarity campaign has been launched in Ankara in order to alleviate the losses suffered by more than 100,000 tradesmen and employees due to the cessation of business and business life due to COVID-19. As a result of the aid campaign announced with the call #6MilyonTekYürek (#6 Million Act As One), a platform was established and analysis were started to determine the needs.
- 130 homeless citizens who took shelter in AŞTİ were placed in Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Compassion House where they were cleaned up and served food.
28.03.2020, Saturday
- The recorder and invoice reading processes have been temporarily suspended because it has been evaluated that they may have negative effects on public health. According to this;
- Billing will be made in April for 80% of February invoices for all residential subscribers, temporarily.
- There will be no billing for student houses in April, temporarily.
- Invoices will not be temporarily processed in April for workplace and commercial subscriptions.
- As part of the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, 241 Turkish citizens from New York were taken to the quarantine region of Kastamonu by the request of the Ankara Governorship.
- Due to the “Travel Permit Certificate” initiated as a result of the decision of the Government, the accumulation and security problems experienced in AŞTİ were solved by the municipality police teams.
- As per the Law on Misdemeanors and the Provincial Sanitary Board Decision, market couriers, water carriers, cargo couriers will work with gloves and masks and Ankara Metropolitan Municipality continues its inspections without interruption.
- Upon the request of TCDD (Turkish State Railways), Ankara Metropolitan Municipality placed hand disinfection units in Yenişehir and Kurtuluş Suburban stations.
- Eczacıbaşı Ankara Representative stated that they want to meet the cleaning materials of the dormitories and hotels allocated by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for the stay of healthcare workers.
In addition;
- Financial management was reviewed and measures were taken to provide the necessary resources for the services provided and to be provided in the future.
- Within the scope of social assistance, 4255 of 46.770 registered citizens who are in need have started to be served at home. Also, food parcels were sent to 4200 of 35,689 people with disabilities who received social assistance. Within a few days, firstly, 8455 people listed above will start to receive food and on the second step parcels will be distributed to rest of Ankara who is in need.
- We endeavor to use written, visual and social media effectively to increase the awareness of our people against the coronavirus. In this context, the coronavirus activities of our Municipality are announced as news from Ankara in 20 radio broadcasts every morning and evening.
- Vehicles used within the scope of Funeral Transport Services are disinfected daily. 2 Funeral Transport Vehicles have been allocated for the transportation of our citizens who died from the COVID-19 epidemic, intra-city or extra-urban transports are provided. In which the vehicles are disinfected after every funeral.
- The mosques, the administrative buildings, waiting rooms and other social facilities of Karşıyaka, Cebeci Asri, Sincan Çimşit, Bağlum and Gölbaşı Cemetery’s are disinfected daily.
- A separate burial island was opened in Ortaköy Cemetery for the burial of the citizens who died from the COVID-19 outbreak, and the burials of 4 funerals have been carried out so far. A part of Ortaköy Cemetery is allocated as morgue and bathing cubicle for the infected.
- While the funeral procedures are being carried out, a line is pulled for protecting the social distance between the staff and relatives of the funerals. During the procedures the staff wears masks and gloves the whole time. Relatives of the funerals are taken in turn to send their prayers and disinfectants are always kept at the entrance door.
- In order to prevent crowds in the cemeteries, funeral prayers are performed by preserving social distance between citizens, without waiting for the prayer time.
- All the staff working in the funeral burials is to use disposable overalls, masks and gloves according to their job status, moreover after the funeral prayer, burial, cleaning and disinfection are provided.
- Disinfection works are carried out by mobile teams in burial areas.
- In order to realize possible crisis management;
As the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, we serve with 24/7 work principle to Ankara citizens with;
- 177 passenger and transport vehicles,
- 760 buses, minibuses and midibuses,
- 939 pickups,
- At the first stage 10,500 personnel, 5,500 of whom are security personnel,
- 1,260,000 loaves of bread production capacity per day,
- Food capacity for 30,000 people per day (this capacity is planned to be increased to 200,000 people),
- 12,376 tons of flour stock,
- 250 tons of dry food stock (stocks will be gradually increased in the coming days),
- Home care capacity that can serve 13,000 elderly and disabled people,
- 103 tons of detergent and sanitizer stock as of now.
27.03.2020, Friday
- We have rented a 100-bed student dormitory for the healthcare staff for Hacettepe and İbn-i Sina Hospitals, which work intensely during the fight against COVID-19, and have decided to start constructing 3 container units consisting of a total of 60 single rooms for the Bilkent City Hospital. As of today, a businessman who has heard our help battle has voluntarily gave out his dormitory for the Bilkent City Hospital staff usage.
- Food and cleaning products were provided for around 10,000 Afghan refugees, while their living areas were disinfected.
- Announcements on social media were made for people over the age of 65 to stay at home.
- Information was provided on vital measures that should be applied in the homes as well as outside.
- In order to create awareness, posters of #EvdeKalAnkara (#StayHomeAnkara) were hung on the streets and boulevards all around Ankara and information was shared on led screens.
- On the grounds of the upcoming Ramadan, a call was made to the Meat and Fish Institution to sell 60 thousand tons of meat in its stocks to the Metropolitan Municipality.
25.03.2020, Wednesday
- Labels indicating social distance are affixed to the areas of elevators and waiting areas of markets and service buildings, especially AŞTİ (bus terminal).
24.03.2020, Tuesday
- 22,360 liters of disinfectant were used and 14,423 points were disinfected. These disinfections are carried out with 221 personnel using ULV (Large Volume Sprayer) and back sprayer methods.
23.03.2020, Monday
- Paper collecting is banned across the city. Daily food and sheltering needs were met for those who earned their living by collecting paper. In addition, disinfection is made in the storage areas.
22.03.2020, Sunday
- In order to meet the sudden needs of our citizens, 3 Hygiene Stations are established in the Kızılay region. In which, sterilization, fever meter and oxidation services are provided.
- Our workplace physicians are assigned to our headquarters and service units on a 24/7 basis, to respond to sudden incidents.
- EGO (Public Transportation Services), which are exclusively for healthcare professionals, started to offer free services.
21.03.2020, Saturday
- Calls and announcements have been made for our citizens over the age of 65 to stay at home.
- A coordination and needs analysis meeting was held with all Ankara District Municipality Mayors and Political Parties Group Deputy Chairmen. Consultation and information exchange meetings are held with the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary Generals and Heads of Departments regularly.
19.03.2020, Thursday
- Due to the closure of many cafeterias and restaurants, dry food distribution has started for street animals.
18.03.2020, Wednesday
- Crisis Management Center and Crisis Support Desks have been established under the chairmanship of a Deputy Secretary General to plan preparations and manage the moment of crisis in case the developments regarding the virus will increase in the coming days. Access to the center will be provided both through the Başkent 153 call center and the special number created for this Crisis Management Center.
- Through the Crisis Management Center, detailed needs like hygiene, transportation, food, etc. for 5,038,472 people living in 492 neighborhoods within the central districts and 600,604 people living in 933 districts in the outer districts will be distributed. This will be done in coordination with the district municipalities.
17.03.2020, Tuesday
- Within the scope of home care services, 100 personnel who have received first aid training have been provided with a fever meter and oxidation measurement training to serve our elderly and disabled citizens in need.
- On the other hand, the tradesmen, who were affected by the crisis and had rent payments to the Municipality were postponed for 2 months.
- News from different languages to Turkish is compiled by scanning the foreign press, and both the Municipality administration and the people of Ankara have started to be informed.
16.03.2020, Monday
- In order to prevent crowds in our cemeteries, funeral prayers are performed by preserving the social distance between our citizens, without waiting for the prayer hours, and funerals are buried immediately.
13.03.2020, Friday
- Shift work system has been adopted in order to enable our staff to serve in a healthier environment, and administrative permission has been granted to mothers with children under the age of 12, and to personnel with disabilities and over 60 years of age.
12.03.2020, Thursday
- It has been announced by ASKİ (Ankara Water and Sewage Services) that there will be no water cuts for 2 months, in order to prevent deterioration in the hygiene conditions of subscribers who have a water debt.
- The activities and courses of the Municipality’s Centers were suspended for 3 weeks, according to the first announcement.
11.03.2020, Wednesday
- Coronavirus is declared a pandemic in the world.
- Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, with its subsidiaries and affiliates, immediately started the analysis of its institutional capacity. Stock and requirement measurements were determined.
03.03.2020, Tuesday
- Banners, hand brochures containing personal purpose to be taken against the coronavirus to public transportation vehicles and to the stations were distributed or hung. In addition all the screens in buses or subway wagons and our outdoor electronic billboards were also used.
26.02.2020, Wednesday
- In all municipalities and affiliates, hand-held thermometers and photocell disinfectant units were installed in front of the doors, and disinfectant mats were installed at the building entrances.
25.02.2020, Tuesday
- A Health Coordination Board has been established for hygiene and cleaning works to be carried out in the Metropolitan Municipality and its affiliated institutions. Accordingly,
- Regular disinfection procedures, including municipal service areas, public institutions and organizations, public areas, have been carried out and are still ongoing.
- Particular attention is paid to disinfection works in public transportation vehicles, such as metro and Ankaray wagons, 1540 buses, 2200 minibuses and 8200 taxis.
- AŞTİ and metro/Ankaray stations, especially in municipal service buildings and public areas, hand disinfection, handheld and thermal camera fire meters, gloves, masks, etc. necessary materials and equipment are provided for services.