“Woman Opportunity” Program

With the drastic reduction in economic activity caused by the pandemic, informal workers were directly affected socially and economically. According to an UN Women study, released in March 2020, the impact of the crisis would, in fact, be different for the female audience.

Thus, with the objective of minimizing the socio-economic consequences caused by the pandemic, especially on informal workers in the Federal District, the Women’s Secretariat launched the “Woman Opportunity” program, that aims to expand job and qualification opportunities for women, offering weekly online courses and workshops, organized and conducted by the Secretariat and partner institutions – such as Fecomércio, Rede Mulher Empreendedora and Instituto Avon, among others.

The activities are taught by professionals qualified in several areas of activity such as: social medias, microcredit, sales, communication strategies, finances, among others.

The “Woman Opportunity”, which focuses on encouraging the economic autonomy of women in situations of vulnerability due to the pandemic, indicates to the female public a path to creativity, entrepreneurship, training and income, goals recommended in SDG 5 (Equality of Gender) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

Read more (Portuguese): <http://www.mulher.df.gov.br/oportunidade-mulher-estimula-o-empreendedorismo-feminino-com-cursos-gratuitos-on-line/>.

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