On the eve the government of the Kyrgyz Republic suggested from December 1, 2020, to delegate local authorities the powers to permit various types of activities in the entrusted territories in compliance with the necessary sanitary-epidemiological and other rules.
Dear citizens! The capital mayor’s office is ready to support economic activities, in particular, to allow the resumption of the work of cinemas and food courts from December 1, with the mandatory observance of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Preliminarily, cinemas will be allowed to operate with 50% occupancy of the hall, in compliance with all sanitary rules and the mandatory distance between the seats.
The issue of opening theaters is also being considered.
On behalf of the Acting Mayor Balbak Tulobaev, within 15 days, together with restaurateurs, we are developing a separate algorithm for the operation of banquet halls and restaurants in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 244 on additional measures to reduce the risks of COVID-19 spread.
Supermarkets and shopping malls will operate as usual, without time limits.
The resumption of the work of computer clubs is also on the agenda; they will be allowed to start work in compliance with 50% of the occupancy of the premises in compliance with sanitary rules. Note that those computer facilities that will allow schoolchildren during lessons will be closed immediately.
Dear citizens! Please take care of yourself and your loved ones! Be careful! Don’t forget about sanitary rules – masks, hand treatment and distance are still required!
Bishkek – our beloved city!