The COVID-19 pandemic, the self-isolation regime has had many negative consequences, sadly, women, children are at increased risk of violence and mistreatment.
Oktyabrskiy District mobile team for emergency assistance in cases of family violence in emergency and crisis situations continue to work.
The Oktyabrsky District, together with the UN Population Fund in Kyrgyz Republic, partnered with the Association of Crisis Centers (ACC) and the National Red Crescent Society (NRCS) providing trainings for mobile team workers.
Experts provided detailed information about the specific algorithm of actions upon receipt of a report to the police department and on the site of the fact of domestic violence, about methods of interviewing the victim, the accusers based on real cases.
The trainings were attended by employees of the municipal administration, Social Development Department (SDD), MTA, as well as senior district police officers, senior inspectors of Inspection for Minors, officers of the duty unit and the inquest service of the police department.
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