The Center for Emergency Medicine held a working meeting of the vice-mayor of the capital on social issues Aizhan Chynybaeva with the heads of the city’s health care organizations.
Together with doctors we discussed the epidemiological situation of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and coronavirus infection in Bishkek and the measures taken to prevent and further spread of COVID-19, the implementation of the national program “Immunoprophylaxis” by 2020, the implementation of the project on electronic registration of citizens to the family medicine center.
It should be noted that as of January 27, a total of 28,133 cases of COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia were registered in the capital.
During the 12 months of 2020, 52,183 cases of acute respiratory infections were registered. There is a 17.0% decrease in the incidence of the disease, as 66,538 cases were registered during the same period in 2019.
In January 2021, 3,759 cases of acute respiratory viral infections were registered compared to 9,512 cases for the same period in 2020, a decrease of 39.5% in morbidity.
It should be noted that 88 thousand doses of influenza vaccine were received in 2020 through the Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, the vaccination coverage was 100%. On January 1, 2021 it was received 15 thousand doses of a vaccine GCFLU (South Korea), on January 27th 7501 persons were inoculated.
The Vice-mayor paid attention to the process of digitalization of metropolitan polyclinics. Recall that since the fall of 2019, doctor’s appointments are made online on the portal registratura.med.kg. All urban family medicine centers are connected to the system. According to the City Health Department, since the launch of the program, 123,220 times have been made an appointment with a doctor through the portal.
According to the results of the meeting, the heads of health care organizations of Bishkek were instructed to strengthen the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime in health care organizations.
Dear citizens! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Do not forget about the sanitary rules.