What are designated screening clinics?
Screening clinics are where people who show symptoms of COVID-19, such as coughing and fever, can seek and receive medical treatment before visiting a medical institution. As of March 16, 2020, there are 635 designated screening clinics operated by public health care centers and hospitals. 602 centers, or 94.8% out of all, directly collect specimens. The diagnosis of COVID-19 is carried out in a total of 118 clinics. As a result of the expansion of the number of testing institutions and the use of test reagents, the daily testing capacity has been increased from 3,000 (Feb. 27) to 15,000 as of March.
Drive-Through Screening Stations
Seoul operates drive-through screening stations for COVID-19 to maximize citizens’ convenience. There are lower risks of infection since the whole process from filling out a medical questionnaire to swabbing is done in a single stop without having to leave the vehicle. The test takes about 10 minutes, and the results will be sent to you within 2 or 3 days through your phone or text message.
Walk-in Screening Centers
In a walk-in screening center, testing can be safely done in a phonebooth-sized room with complete separation between the patient and the medical staff. Unlike the drive-through screening stations, these walk-in screening centers don’t require much spaces and they are easily accessible by the elderly and patients without cars. Since the size of the booth is relatively smaller than normal screening centers, it would take less than two minutes to disinfect the booth after use; in which, we can expect the whole process to be faster.
Source: http://english.seoul.go.kr/covid/screening-clinic-2/