NicosiaTurkish Municipality (NTM) Temporarily stopped water meter reading and invoice distribution processesTaking into account the economic difficulties faced by citizens, and also considering public health. After the World Health Organization stated that the Covid-19 virus as pandemic and the partialcur few was made by the government, the Mayor of NTM Mehmet Harmancı stated that the amount of water usage has increased significantly due to the citizens spending more time in their homes for more than two weeks. Despite this picture, he emphasized that in April for all residential subscribers temporary billing will be made at the rate of 80% of February bill sand for all closed business subscribers temporary billing will be made at the rate of 50% of February bills.
The Mayor of NTM Mehmet Harmancı underlined that when this extraordinary process due to the coronavirus epidemic is over, normal billingwill be made for all municipal subscribers and the total amount will be deducted for the temporary invoiced amount made during this period.
“In addition to the 25% cut of by the state, our collection rate has dropped significantly”
Harmancı stated that the state has reduced its contribution to local governments by 25%, at the same time, the collection amount, which was 300 thousand TL perday, has fallen to 30 thousand TL perday. He also underlined that if there are people who can make their pay ments should pay their bill, the pay ments are very crucial for the Municipality to stand up during this period. The Mayor of NTM Harmancı stated that NicosiaTurkish Municipality as always will continue to be with the citizens of Nicosia and we will over come this problem together in social solidarity.